Hi there! I’m Lóng Tiānshǐ (龙天使), the founder of Chineasing.
During the forthcoming lessons I'll aim to introduce you to the amazing Chinese language; and, as the proof of the pudding is in the eating, let's start now!
Nǐ hǎo! - 你好!
This is the most common form of greeting in Chinese. The English equivalent is Hello! or How are you? The response to this greeting form is also Nǐ hǎo (你好).
Please notice that when we say in English How are you? we might be referring to a single person or a group of persons.
In Chinese there is a difference between you (singular) and you (plural):
- Nǐ (你) - you for singular form,
- Nǐmen (你们) - you for plural form.
Well I think it is enough for today... Wait! I have forgotten something! You haven't learned yet how to say Goodbye!
It is very easy too: Zàijiàn! (再见!).
Listen and Repeat
It is very easy too: Zàijiàn! (再见!).
Listen and Repeat